Sunday, September 16, 2012

Thematic Map


Thematic Map

Thematic map is the unique map than other sort of maps. They doesn't show rivers, mountains, road, etc. The map shows the theme it is attempting to get across to its audience and uses a political map to give it more of a reference.

Road Map

Road Map

This map only shows the distance and the way of roads. They can show different types of roads as like, airports, city locations and points of interest like parks, campgrounds and monuments. Also this times people use road map a lot.

Economic or Resource Map

 Economic or Resource Map

An economic or resource map shows the specific type of economic activity or natural resources present in an area through the use of different symbols or colors depending on what is being shown on the map. As you can see Australia is almost brown-red color. Because Australia is a young country and has a lots of resources

Climate Map

Climate Map

From the name of the map you can guess that climate map shows the temperature of land. It contains a lot of colors and each of them have a special meanings. For example, equatorial, tropical, subtropical, desert, grassland and temperature. These maps normally use colors to show different climatic areas.

Topographic Map

Topographic Map

As you can see topographic map is similar with physical map. However they show contour lines which represents the changes of elevation. Also by contrast, the low elevation, flat coastal areas show contour lines that are spread apart.

Physical Map

Physical Map

A physical map is shows the physical landscape and more.You can see through map mountain, river, lakes and water. Also they describes high of the land from green the lowest to brown the highest. Low elevation coastal regions are shown in dark green, while the higher elevations transition from orange to dark brown. However the rivers only shown blue color.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Political Map

Political Map

This kind of maps only shows state, location, distance,national and large and small cities . In addition political maps does not shows topographic (show a wide range of human and physical features of the earth) features.